Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Quiet Book

This is a quiet book I made for my son last year. I used felt for the pages and most of the activities.  It was a little thicker than I liked, but it has been very durable...we still use it today.  It's come in really handy when we have our nursing home ministry, during a church service, long car rides, and at the doctor's office.  I'm planning on making another one, probably with cloth this time.  But here are the pictures of what I did.

The cover page I made with felt letter stickers and patches of cloth. I just sewed everything to the page before I sewed the felt peices together.

The name page was simply felt letters and a pocket. I added buttons throughout the book for decoration.  My sewing skills aren't great, but I really loved making this anyway!

To make the fishy fun pages, I made a pocket that looked like an envelope, and then a fishbowl shape that I freehanded.  Then I sewed those and the letters to the felt pages before sewing the book.  Then I drew out the shapes I wanted for the fishbowl and used sharpie markers to draw the details on the fish, plants, and bubbles.

For the funny face pages, I made an pocket that snapped, because I wanted to make sure all of the face pieces didn't fall out.  Then I cut out the shapes from felt and added details as needed.  This is Joshua's favorite page.

The zipper page was simply two zippers I found.  This page is a little difficult for Joshua to do on his own, just because you have to hold the top of the page as you zip.  Once he figured it out though, he loved it.

The apple tree page has been great with counting.  Just make your tree and barrel - the barrel is the pocket to store the apples. Then just sew them to the pages and create your apple pieces.  

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